Being sent to St. Agnes Reform School really sucks. To make matters worse, your worst bully awaits you there, ready to torment you. Wait, why does he have a hard-on?

Reform School is a twisted exploration of power dynamics. Will you confront your bullies head-on, abusing them in search of revenge as you ascend the social hierarchy? Or will you embrace your role as a submissive and surrender completely, accepting your place beneath stronger-willed men?

Prepare yourself for a degradation-fueled kinky gay game (MM only). It's a journey filled with name-calling, humiliation, cruelty, and intense psychological and physical abuse. If you're yearning for lovey-dovey relationships or a vanilla experience, this story is not for you.

There are no images beyond the avatars. The game is completely powered by my wordy writing and your imagination.

Alex Ferry
"Yes, this is he."  you, answering the phone.

Submissive little bitch? School's dominating bully? Don't ask me, ask yourself.
Living proof you can change your stars.
Marky Walsh
The literal devil. Really. Ok, not really.

Hunky, tall, muscled, tanned, handsome, and evil. Also, a tad delusional.
Loves bullying you a little bit too much.
Tyler Dunn
Silent but deadly. Hopefully not literally.

Very tall, very skinny, very pale, and very quiet. Tyler is hard to figure out.
He might be a sociopath or just, you know, introverted.
Emmett Abbott
Just your regular 80s movie nerd.

Glasses, curly hair, and a soft body. Can nerds be charismatic? Well, Emmett is.
Everyone loves him, even though he talks a lot.
Haruki Ohno
An anime husbando? Maybe so.

Short but very strong. Anime because of the hair, not because he's Japanese.
All around good boy, with a dog's bite. Don't ask.
Samuel Oliveira
Dude, where's my lacrosse player?

You know that stereotype about dumb jocks? A himbo with a heart of gold and the cutest accent you've ever heard.

You can find me on this Discord channel


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Estou gostando bastante, entendo que Tyler não possa ser sub... a menos que vc invente uma forma bem escrota de quebrar ele kkkk

só uma dúvida... pq fazer parecer como se fosse um ensino médio... podia ser um 'centro de reeducação' de alguma distopia bizarra... daí o MC pode escolher em virar obediente ao regime ou ir contra também... liga não... acho que estou viajando aqui. parabéns!


Meus Deus, eu já rejoguei tantas vezes que já até decorei as falas😭😭😭😭 absolutamente amo isso! Tem alguma previsão de atualização esse ano, se me permite perguntar? 😆


Sai uma atualização esse ano com certeza. Só não sei quando exatamente.


soooo. . . . . . Principal Frederick huh. . . . Will we be getting any spicy scenes with him?


yes. but he's not a main lust interest and will probably get like two spicy scenes or something.


Awe, I feel like that's a missed opportunity, especially with the theme your going with, since he's a strict authority figure and from what I saw so far he seems to have a no nonsense personality with dominant undertones. I definitely sensed possible bdsm or master slave vibes from him. Also with his priest persona as coverage, he could get away with a lot. I thought who knows maybe hes a wolf in  sheeps clothing, with tons of "experience" dealing with lost and troubled boys like our mc. His mental maniulation could be on a whole other level too, pushing the mc in non con situations with the other interests so the mc feels like they have no other choice but to come crawling back to their only "safe haven" (the priest). I don't know, your game is great so far, i think im just bummed out that the principal isn't a main interest. Keep up the amazing work!


I understand all of the ideas and I even agree that they would be hot, but Father Frederick has another other important role in the story. He can't be both things at the same time. You'll see with time once I start revealing more about how that school works.

And, to be completely honest, I'm not really into daddies. I never planned for an older guy to be one of the main interests. Initially it would be nuns instead of priests, like it was in my real life school (the game is loosely based on my life).

Thank you for the compliments ♥


Haha 😅, just read your phantastic contribution to Campus Magnum. Almost instantly recognized your outstanding style. All text there is nice, but yours is still on a different level. You're talented. It's more vivid, graphic and easy to read than most of the rest. (Tho' couldn't translate «out-out-sync cauchony»; yet got the meaning.)

ha! thank you for the compliment. I also wrote a scene for Young Marcus. I have an extra scene for Campus Magnum in my head for years now, but can never seem to get around to writing it. both those games are special to me and I'm a big fan of both Beryl and Randiel.


«Young Markus» or «Young Marcus Expanded»? Most probably I've already seen this scene, since I played YM and am playing YMX since forever. Esp. trying to get the classroom rape scene with Marky AOAP. The rape anime is staggering. Currently trying to meet with my bully regularly to see what develops out of it. Campus Magnum is nice, but confusing sometimes. Sometimes writing also lacks necessary detail (not yours). But no matter how expanded YMX is or how fantasiful CM is, Reform School is still the precious jewel among them.


YME. you can meet guys through an app or whatever, and I wrote the scene where Marcus meets a guy with just an eggplant emoji for his username.

the Marky scenes for YME are all Randiel, though. he was just inspired by my game, but I didn't write any of it. his Marky is much meaner, I think haha

Oh, the eggplant, yes. Didn't give much attention to this one, since I'm not so much into that kinda scene. E.g., in YME, I'm totally ignoring "The Castle" as for that matter. My fav in that app by far was Alex (picture of a young tattooed man looked at from beneath). You're right with Marky, he's definitively missing some nuances of the original. Still nice and I'm currently further exploring his part. I imagined it was a different side of him and that he reserved his nicer sides solely for his special victim from the original story.


Honestly was expecting it to be more aimed at bottoms with just half assed topping but I am really enjoying the dom topping, and its hard to find gay games with topping being more fleshed out as an option, let alone dom topping. Appreciate your hard work and looking forward to how you progress with it all.

thank you! that POV doesn't come naturally to me, so I really appreciate when people enjoy that side of the game


please, need more updates


I'm working on it. I'm just super slow for a myriad of reasons.


Just wondering, do you only top when going the dom routes? or can you choose to be bottom for dom routes?


Anal is yet to happen in any route, but the plan is to have strict sub-bottoms and dom-tops. Haruki's the more flexible of the bunch. If sub-topping and dom-bottoming will ever happen in a route, it'll probably be on his. But it's improbable. The setting is a very homophobic / heteronormative one and bottoming is seen as "losing", "being the girl", etc.


I see. That is kind of disappointing to know, but I can understand the reasoning.
Still, I find that dom bottoming can be more humiliating to the top, especially since the top is generally the one that is thought of being in control. So the fact that the top and his dick simply became nothing more than a toy for the bottom to be used makes the domination and humiliation that much more poignant. Overall, great job on the game. I wish you the best.

Is it weird that in real life I hate hate HATE that bullshit, but in the game's fantasy world I think it's frelling hot? 




Please give us more intimate scenes with Haruki.

I love that guy (and the game). I'm totally addicted to him. I'd love to see him and Marky find a kind of co-existence where Marky pretends to hate him, but secretly accepts him. Still punishing the MC for activity with him.


Marky's too jealous for that, but you may have your fun with Haruki in secret sometimes, as long as it's not too obvious. But if Marky finds out... 😡

There's nothing with Haruki in the next update (Samuel will be the focus character), but Haruki ain't going nowhere. He has to train MC to defend himself.


Ah, ok. I'm polygamic and don't really understand jealousy, that might've been the reason for my misconception. I knew that Samuel is next, just, please, don't forget Haruki in the future. :-)


Jealousy is a big theme for this project, not from a strictly romantic standpoint per se, but from a possessive reasoning. Subs are not unlike objects in that place and the doms compete for resources. Think of pouty children being upset that another kid stole their favorite toy. Kinda like that.

Rest assured that Haruki won't be forgotten


Reminds me to my bigger brother at younger ages, haha, who looked and behaved irritatingly similar to Marky (maybe that's why I'm not so much into him). If I had something he wanted, but could not have, he'd rather break it than leave it to me.


That sounds about right for the doms in this game lol

Sorry you experienced that. While it's cool as a fantasy, certainly not fun IRL.


Yeah, i'm in the space of both Marky and Haruki being Alex's subs and having to learn to coexist in that space. But it's not my story, and I'm happy to play it as written and imagine my own reality in my own time. ;) 

(10 edits) (+6)


I am so obsess with this game at first I wasnt sure if no images and just text gonna be fun.

but then I like started using my imagination and holy shit I am so in love and my favorite route has to be the domination on Marky.


The Movie "date" was so freaking cute when he falls alseep in your shoulder and his arms around yours is just so so so cute.


I love cute moments so muchhhh, whenever Marky tries to be nice it's literally the cutest thing ever. I love when he's more honest and fragile, it's so perfect for the "I can fix him" dilusion.

I was really taken aback by the last scene in Sub to Marky route, that was kinda too crazy for my taste, but I also don't wanna be mean to marky myself so the best route now for me is the Haruki movie date but then getting back to Marky lol, that ending is sooooo cute


Where he punches the wall right? I prefer the dom on Marky route. 

Don't get me wrong they are both grate any content related to Marky is awesome and I love how in the dom route he doesnt want you to leave him alone in bed .


Exactly! Cuz in that route he also holds you on the bed not letting you go, I love when he's needy lol.  

I just love when the 2 characters genuinely show feelings for eachother and could have been together, but both are plagued by homophobia from within and without so it turns out toxic. Bane of every gay guy on earth.


Praise needy Marky we all say in unison.

Need me more games or stories around this type of plot. Also I wanna believe neither mc or marky are gay they just happen to like a guy lol and now we just gotta wait for a  new update which would be a samuel route I think.


They be gay though. MC is gay, Marky is very gay-leaning bi, Tyler is pansexual, Haruki is gay, Samuel is straight. They're all just closeted. Tyler doesn't care much about the closet since he thinks it's not gay if he's the top. So, yeah.

As for cute scenes, they'll happen every once in a while, but you know the focus is on the toxic side of things lol

Thanks for the compliments!


Always wishing you luck and thank you for making such a fun game!

thxx ♥


I played it again, this time I tried to touch his hole

Then Marky was rushed into the hospital 


Funny, touch again next time   (*^▽^*)

I wouldn't say that was funny, but as long as you're having fun that's ok :D


veryyyyyy cute game! Waiting for more 🥹🥹


I love Samuel as a character, please can I know when he will get an update?


The next update is his date. I don't give out dates for updates though. I'm working on it.


Oh I love this, I started the game with low expectations (not a big fan of these games) But it kept me hooked for hours, and when I blinked I was staring at the "waiting for update" screen😭😭😭

This is good man, like woah, so much, Marky makes me drool, I wanna eat that bitch's ass, and at the same time I want him to spit in my face (again).

Looking forward to the update, is there any warning or can I just log in to find out?🙃


Aw, thank you! I'm glad you liked my story!

Marky's the best isn't he? 😭 I love him too.

If you follow me, updates I post should show up on your feed ("my feed page") and you'll get an e-mail notification (if e-mail notifications are turned ON on your configurations)


(2 edits) (+4)

It's a pleasure to play this game 😉

You can tell the love, he is so well developed that I feel a connection with the poor guy (we love Marky)

TThanks for replying! I started following (I think, I don't know how to use this site properly yet 😞) notifications are definitely on😁

Yes, Brazilian🇧🇷🗣️

(Hence the brutally bad English)


Também sou Brasileiro 🇧🇷

Você seguiu meu perfil sim, se notificações tiverem ativadas, em teoria, deve chegar pra vc quando tiver um update. Mas vai demorar uns meses. Sou lento.

(4 edits) (+5)

I'm torn between Haruki and Marky but if I wanna go all the way Haruki is my man. I like his versatility but minus points for going with the crowd and jeering at mc in the shower along with his main man like wth? I need to get back at him for it. Marky, he's straightforwardly degrading, which I love too and the underlying crush on mc just along the lines of "the more I like you, the more I bully you and try to own you" kind of mentality is hot too (I dont mind being your private pet if you only have me and nobody else). Tyler, I will focus on him on an entirely different run cuz damn he's such a degrading dom that makes me respect his authoritay.  Emmett, why do I feel like he's too used and broken for me to even start with him? Samuel is an unfortunate sacrifice in this. 


Well, to be honest, Haruki didn't "jeer", he just removed himself from the situation instead of defending MC to the random bully. His is the less fucked up path in this fucked up project, although he is not without his issues.


im logging in every day just to see if theres an update


I'm very slow, glacially slow even, please adjust your expectations 😭


i ll wait, even my whole life




Please update quickly, I really want to see the follow-up. ┭┮_┭┮


Ayyy we're going INTERNATIONAL with this one!



😭 it's gonna be a few months still, at least


I dont condone marks behavior...but if I was his roommate I would be at his feet (I need help)😓


a mood


am i mentaly disturbed for loving Marky? :')


a lot of us are 😭 don’t worry


Yes. Me especially for writing it 😭 also OMG the username


yeh lol i made the account just for this and i couldn't think of a username sooooo


It's not crazy if enough people agree with you!


This game was more fun then i was expecting it to be so good job. I was even impressed by how much i ended up liking Marky .


Well, my favorite character (favoritism!) gets the best arc 😬 Glad you enjoyed it. Although why weren't you expecting it to be fun? lol


My expectation  for games on here have just been low and some fit the expectation then there are some that easily surpass it.


I appreciate it then!


How many people made an account just to praise the game? I know I did! This game is incredible. There’s depth to it, and the differing stories are really interesting to me. I personally love Marky, I think he was really just misunderstood. He may be rude, but I think he’s just concealing his true self in fear of being rejected, by society not just the main character. I can’t wait for a new update on it!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for registering just to comment! ♥

Everything you said about Marky is true, he is misunderstood and he's fighting a lot of demons and inner fears. However, his dark side is undeniable. He's hella toxic and abusive. Although he'll be really nice to you if you obey his every command and praise his God physique and gorgeous cock every day. If only MC wasn't such a contrarian bitch :P

Update's being written but I'm slow, so be patient haha


You’re good, take your time. I would rather wait and have an incredible update than something that was rushed! ❤️ 

(1 edit) (+2)

Another person here who made an account just to praise this game-
As a dude who got bullied (and had some hella attractive bullies), I love this game. Marky? Obsessed and would be terrible to date but you so feel you want to ignore those red flags. 
I love Tyler the most though tbh. There's like no chance for Romance but ah well. Although in that last scene, he wiped our tears. I wonder why.
They are very well-written characters, well done for making the game as it is! 
Can't wait to see more in the future!


Thank you! I really appreciate the love for my project.

Have you seen horror movies where the damsel in distress is crying and the villain wipes her tears away only to lick the salty water from his finger and evilly smirk at how he was able to make that bitch cry? It's sort of like that but (a little) less terrifying. 

There's no romance with Tyler because he's not capable of it.

And TBH if I added romance to his route, he'd stop being interesting. Or at least he'd stop being interesting to the people who are into those kinds of soulless monsters. (Points at self)

Next up is Samuel's date ♥ I'm writing it.


I haven't seen horror movies like that (most horror movies I watch the villains are just literal monsters that aren't capable of that evil human trait haha) but that does seem very accurate of how you've written Tyler and honestly, like I said, I still love his character and yeah, romance would probably make him boring because that would be a total 180 turn for his character. Damaged souls can dream though if they want XD I'm perfectly happy with the soulless monsters myself. We still get the D after all. 
Can't wait for the next update! (Well, I can, i'm patient but these things take time and prep). I appreciate your efforts, thank you!


Will there be a more romantic route with tyler?


Not really, that's not how Tyler rolls. There'll be glimpses of something more every once and again, but nothing remotely romantic. If you're a good toy he might not completely despise you :3


I'm begging for more Marky aurhghgg I need more of him in my life


I appreciate the love for him!

I mean, he'll probably cameo on Samuel's date, but Marky focused content will be a while still. His dates literally just happened 😭

(1 edit) (+4)

please, I want to hear more sweet words about Mark Walsh (okay, he's not gentle at all, but I like him)


he's my baby and I love him so much. but he's also a brute and a meanie.


discord link not working?


seems to be working for me, is it this one?


Really liked this latest update. Marky's date in dom route was absolutely incredible like many people below stated. Love this game, can't wait to see more!


❤️ thanks. 

I was really worried how turning the tables on Marky specifically would turn out. It was really, really difficult to write this. I'm glad the response has been overwhelmingly positive.


Hey there, love this story! Would be happy to be a beta reader if you still need one, so let me know :)



thanks for the offer. Right now the positions are filled but I'll let you know if I need it someday.


You really did a great job rounding out Marky's character in the latest update. Both the sub and the dom routes are unique and give different insights - now I'm wondering about the big mystery you've left with Tyler.


The mysteries will start to unravel after the dates. But not that quickly lol otherwise there'll be nothing left to happen before ending the game.


Honestly, I don't normally play dom routes but the Marky date was spectacular.



I'm really looking forward to what happens after Marky locks me in the cabinet


Up next is Samuel's date. It's gonna be a while before we continue after the dates (and you find out what happens after you're locked in the drawer.)


Ok, i began the new update wanting to get my first taste of revenge and ended it wanting to wife Marky crazy-ass, like why? Why do you need to get me feeling things for the asshole?!!!!


lol sorry

i did my job well


You sure did!! I felt exactly the same loll


Wow, when I opened up and saw how Reform School was trending I immediately got on and saw the release notes.  Made my entire day. I thought that Marky's route would only be reserved for subs but I was very wrong! Literally twitching the entire time as I read through. Yes!
(I also enjoyed the similarities with the sub route, very nice touch.)
Marky and Samuel are my favorite characters so I swooned when I read that Samuel's Movie Night route is the next update. Hit two jackpots in one go. 
Keep up the fantastic work! I can't wait for the next release! <3


Aw, thank you! That's high praise! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much.

As for the routes, Marky, Haruki and Samuel get both dom and sub routes. Tyler is exclusive for subs, Emmett exclusive for doms.

I'm excited to write the Samuel date. It's all mapped in my head, I just need to put pen to paper, so to speak.


Can't wait!


Ugh I'm now in love with the dom MC-Marky  dynamic as well, really like how messy and toxic the co-dependency is and it's honestly the reason why Marky is my favorite character.

Honestly his plot lines in both sub/dom Marky and Haruki's routes are just so incredibly cute lmao, I actually enjoyed his story in Haruki's movie date the most cuz he was just so adorable and less..murderous? I just personally enjoy the more saccharine aspect of Marky lol. Anyways thanks so so much for the update, absolutely ecstatic finally got to read it!


Thank you for the compliments, I appreciate it!

As for Marky, while he does love MC in his own way, he is beyond toxic. You just never really know where you stand with him lol. Enjoy the sweet moments, they're don't happen that often.  But yeah, that co-dependency and obsession is really something that turns me on for some reason.


This game gets me every time. I wish I could be a character,  serving Haruki, Tyler, and the rest.


waiting for the next update!! Any news when?


I don't give deadlines but I am working on it like 3 or 4 days a week. It's coming. Dunno when.


hi. I am the same guy who was the Marky Walsh fan. Can you PLEASE make s Marky Walsh character on character ai and detailer bc it would be so fun to have like a full on interactive with him. Thank you. I really want this..


Sorry, but that won't happen. Avatars are as far as I'm going with character art. I've been very open about my choice of not using art / images / videos / porn to illustrate the game, other than the avatars. I think it would be detrimental to the experience and to my writing.

Oh okay that’s fine! Just in case of confusion and this isn’t me trying to pry but it’s just in case you didn’t no and I swear it’s not me trying to be rude. But character ai isn’t about art it’s where you can describe a character and make it so the public can kind of like talk to that character. It’s hard to describe but you should definitely check it out even if it’s not creating your characters on it. It’s a lot of fun!


I assumed you meant that one where you feed it a script and it animates an avatar to speak. Akin to some scenes in Bound To College.

Now that I think about it, I have visited before and chatted a bit with some random character there.

Putting my character on an AI website unrelated to my project is just not something I'm aiming for. Although I understand your interest in it.


such a fun and great game :) 


♥ thank you!


your discord link doesn't work :[ i only ask bc idk where else i can track the dev of this game (Very hot BTW 11/10)


Sorry for taking forever to answer. Try this link :)

I'm usually available there

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